1. Generate goodwill; greater good; guiding: Public officials should be guided, by, the greater good, combined with common sense, in order to, consistently, attempt to generate, the maximum degree of goodwill! We should be able to expect, those we elect, to have a guiding, influence, where they truly, lead, instead of resorting to blaming, complaining, and procrastination!
2. Options; opportunities; open - mind: How one considers options, and makes decisions, often, determines results! One must be ready and willing, to consider opportunities, with an open - mind, and if, these don't present, themselves, must, proactively, create the finest, possible, opportunity!
3. Attitude; aptitude; attention; agenda; articulate: It should be, a responsibility, and duty, of every public leader, to clearly, articulate an inspiring, motivating, message, which pays keen attention, to the actual needs, etc, of the nation and our citizens! It takes considerable, aptitude, to bring - forward, a meaningful agenda, which, hopefully, will make a difference, for the better!
4. Listen; learn; leading; lessons: If they would, thoroughly learn, the relevant lessons, from the past, fewer, recurring mistakes, would probably, occur! Far, too often, although, some may hear, too - few, actually, listen, effectively! Shouldn't that be, one of the key requirements, of really, leading?
5. System; solutions; sustainable; service; stronger: It takes a willingness, readiness, and the skill - set, to perceive and conceive of, create, develop, and implement, the finest, possible system! These must focus - on, real solutions, which are, relevant, and sustainable! What good does it do, if these, don't make our society, government, and citizens, stronger, and better?
Wake up, America, and demand, better, from those you vote, to serve and represent you, and the nation's best - interests! Consider, if an individual, is the right one, to meet, and exceed, these, needed GOALS!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10464982